It’s the Holy Season, the season of Lent, the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter, when people of certain faiths sacrifice something in the name of the Lord.  Though I am not a Catholic and my religiion doesn’t officially observe Lent, I have chosen for the last few years to make a personal Lenten sacrifice.  Where I grew up, in Pennsylvania, my friends gave up things like chocolate, or soda pop, or kissing.  But I determined to make a sacrifice of commission rather than omission, so to speak.  So I make time every day during the Lenten season to do some purposeful writing.  Sometimes it takes me an hour…sometimes four.  And more often than not my husband goes to bed alone while I am up chipping away at the computer keyboard.  I publish my writing every day on my blog:  You’re welcome to take a peek.  More often than not what I write is autobiographical.  You can read, for instance, about  my most recent guitar acquisition on #24. THE MASTER’S HANDS, or about Flat Stanley’s adventure in the studio in #3. STANLEY. I never what I will write about until the day I write.  This year I am basing my pieces on photographs.

My Lent writing for last year, 2011, included the stories behind my songs…one song per day.  Close to 50 stories about the writing of songs you may or may not know. Backstories to the songs.

So if you’re wondering who the real Cori Connors is, or where my songs came from, you’re most likely to find it there, in my Blog.

Come on over.