It’s late at night, after midnight, and I should be heading to bed.  But I felt a need to pause and post a quick THANK YOU to those who share my heart through my music.  It has been a gloriously fulfilling and heartwarming holiday performance season for me.  The Lord blessed me with relatively good health.  I did not try to cut any of my fingers off this year (as I did last year!).  My throat remained strong and healthy in spite of many around me lovingly sharing their germs.  And though I live with nerve damage from Guillain Barre Syndrome I have not suffered with distressing pain or weakness even when I overdo it.  Thanks be to the Maker of us all!  And thanks be to Him for planting a witness in my heart that He is worthy of praise through music…thatHe gave and continues to give all good things to His children…and that He is my redeemer.

I look forward to doing some writing the next few months, am excited to be working on the Clytie Adams show this summer, and am allowing little ponderous thoughts about a children’s album to creep into my head.

Thank you, if you are reading this, for your interest and support.  Grass roots music is the farmer’s market of the music world and I thank you for supporting my humble harvest.

Be well!
